Make & Takes

Make & Takes

In make & take sessions you can expect a mini workshop where you get more 1 to 1 help and have a chance to ask for any tips or tricks.

These will be ran on many stands as you walk round.

Under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult.

Make a fridge magnet or keyring

Stand Number: F02

Cost: £3

Marbling 4 Fun

NEW Marbling leather coin purse and key holder options

Stand: E30

£15 – £30  (15 – 30 minutes) LIMITED STOCK


Marbling natural tan leather and creating a sort after professional marbled coin purse or key holder.

BekBek Makes

UV Resin Make & Take

Stand: A28

The price £10.00

‘Using UV Resin, which cures in 2-4 mins under UV Light, explore two different methods to create projects. Choose a project on the day and explore working with wooden shapes or using a silicone mould to form a solid UV Resin shapes. Quick, easy and fun, your item will be ready to use in minuets.

Just drop by to book a slot.’

Creative Ewe

Stand: H26

Price: £5