GROW YOUR OWN BUSINESS: PRICING with Annie Gianini founder of HUSTLEwell Saturday 11.30am

GROW YOUR OWN BUSINESS: PRICING with Annie Gianini founder of HUSTLEwell Saturday 11.30am

Westpoint Exeter Sept '24
Business Coaching
Duration:60 minutes

60-minute workshop – cost £18.00

Why is there never any money in the bank to pay yourself or grow your business? Find out why and learn a better way of pricing your craft product. A way that means you get paid and you’re not funding your business – it’s funding itself and you.

You’ll work through a pricing example and take home a workbook to create your own prices. There’s even a bit about future proofing your prices if you’re thinking of wholesaling your products.

Advisory Note:

Suitable for beginners, new to starting a business.

Meet the Tutor

Annie Gianini

Annie’s been running a craft business for the last 13 years, at first as a side-hustle and now part time alongside HUSTLEwell. Those years have been a huge learning curve and as a result she has a passion for helping others to make that journey much easier.